Since our inception, KEM, as an exclusive manufacturer of analytical and measuring instruments, has brought products to market that are beneficial to the development of science and technology, and environmental conservation. In line with the spirit of “Sampo Yoshi” (benefiting society, our customers, and our employees), KEM deploys business activities with an emphasis on social contribution. Taking advantage of our proprietary technological capabilities, we proactively address the resolution of a variety of problems facing society and the global environment. In recent years, because of advances in science and technology, changes and diversification of values, and consideration of the environment, society, and governance (ESG), we find that abruptly and unexpectedly, previous products and services are disappearing from the market as the peripheral environment changes at an increasingly rapid pace. In aiming for a sustainable society, rather than seeking stability in former relationships, KEM must progress in line with changes in values and the social environment. Taking “Leave No One Behind”, the central value behind the sustainable development goals (SDGs) as our motto, we are bringing products to market on a continuous basis that resolve societal problems related to the various goals listed in the SDGs. By improving cooperation with our customers, corporate associates, and neighboring residents, we are pursuing approaches as an enterprise in demand in relation to SDGs. In this way, our business activities will lead to virtuous cycles, resulting in larger activities to ensure a more plentiful society, environment, and economy.
In the midst of the transition from an era of competition to an era of co-creation, KEM is taking advantage of our unique strengths to contribute proactively to the achievement of SDGs through the following specific business activities.

Addressing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at KEM
Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

• Providing effective thermal measuring instruments for preventing heatstroke resulting from global warming
• Providing thermal measuring instruments of use in research into living environments and clothing to accommodate climate change
• Providing analysis instruments contributing to quality control for recycled resources and research into resource development
• Providing environmental analysis instruments indispensable for maintaining the environment and water quality
• Providing thermal measuring instruments of use in research into living environments and clothing to accommodate climate change
• Providing analysis instruments contributing to quality control for recycled resources and research into resource development
• Providing environmental analysis instruments indispensable for maintaining the environment and water quality
Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

• Providing analysis instruments for research into food resource development, research and quality control regarding agricultural plants and foods themselves, as well as land, soil, and water quality examinations
• Providing analysis instruments related to agricultural chemicals and fertilizer evaluation
• Providing analysis instruments related to agricultural chemicals and fertilizer evaluation
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

• Providing analysis instruments indispensable for quality control and research related to prophylactic medicines for infectious diseases, as well as pharmaceuticals
• Providing analysis instruments capable of measuring toxic chemical substances
• Providing analysis instruments capable of measuring toxic chemical substances
Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

• Providing analysis instruments necessary for maintenance of appropriate water treatment facilities, including the conservation of water resources and measurements at sewage water facilities
• Providing instruments contributing to water quality analysis at waterworks bureaus
• Providing analysis instruments for quality control of water drawn by beverage manufacturers
• Providing flue gas analysis instruments contributing to appropriate incineration of waste so as to prevent soil pollution
• Providing instruments contributing to water quality analysis at waterworks bureaus
• Providing analysis instruments for quality control of water drawn by beverage manufacturers
• Providing flue gas analysis instruments contributing to appropriate incineration of waste so as to prevent soil pollution
Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

• Providing flue gas analysis instruments to biomass power generation facilities
• Providing flue gas analysis instruments to plant manufacturers to play a role in infrastructure maintenance
• Providing instruments for monitoring the peripheral environment at nuclear power generating stations
• Providing analysis instruments contributing to quality evaluations of petroleum and natural gas serving as fuels at power plants
• Providing analysis instruments for evaluating the quality of substitutes for fossil fuels
• Providing flue gas analysis instruments to plant manufacturers to play a role in infrastructure maintenance
• Providing instruments for monitoring the peripheral environment at nuclear power generating stations
• Providing analysis instruments contributing to quality evaluations of petroleum and natural gas serving as fuels at power plants
• Providing analysis instruments for evaluating the quality of substitutes for fossil fuels
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

• Providing analysis instruments to support research and development, product quality improvements, quality management, and other innovations
Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

• Providing analysis instruments to measure mercury concentrations in the air
• Providing environmental analysis instruments contributing to global environmental conservation
• Providing environmental analysis instruments contributing to global environmental conservation
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

• Providing analysis instruments contributing to the evaluation of aqua regia and other solvents used in the recovery and recycling of precious metal products
Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

• Providing analysis instruments for monitoring the global environment in order to maintain a suitable climate
Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

• Providing environmental analysis instruments to monitor the emission of CO2 from the incineration of waste and the emission of nitrogen phosphorus in drainage from factories, in order to protect the diversity of marine life
• Providing analysis instruments serving a role in water quality improvement and water quality examinations for the purpose of maintaining fisheries resources
• Providing analysis instruments serving a role in water quality improvement and water quality examinations for the purpose of maintaining fisheries resources
Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

• Providing environmental analysis instruments contributing to preventing air pollution, preserving natural habitats, and maintaining biodiversity