Used to confirm the measurement accuracy of Refractometers and Brix Meters in routine checks and calibrations.
KEM’s range of standards can be used for testing in the measurement range of nD 1.33299 to 1.658** (at 20°C).

JCSS Accredited Refractive Index & Brix Standard Liquids

KEM’s calibration and standard production laboratory is accredited as an ISO/IEC: 17025:2017 and ISO 17034:2016 compliant laboratory by International Accreditation Japan (IAJapan) as a producer of Refractive Index and Brix reference standard materials under the Japan Calibration Service System (JCSS). The JCSS accreditation number for KEM’s calibration and standard production laboratory is 0115.
ISO is an international nongovernmental organization formed by standards bodies representing more than 160 countries and functions to provide a wide range of proprietary, industrial, and commercial standards. Compliance with ISO standards provides assurance of high quality and reliability.
ISO/IEC 17025:2017 specifies the “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”, and ISO 17034:2016 specifies the “General requirements for the competence of reference material producers”.
Upon request, JCSS calibration certificates (recognized under mutual recognition arrangements (MRAs)), can be provided with KEM's Refractive Index and Brix standards at extra cost.
Application and Product List
Refractive Index standards are used to confirm the measurement accuracy and quality of digital refractometers. Digital refractometers are convenient and easy-to-use instruments that allow you to determine the things such as the concentration and composition of foods, chemicals, oil/petroleum products, pharmaceuticals, and many more materials of interest to many industries and reserachers.
To ensure the continual precision and reliability of your refractometer, we highly suggest periodic accuracy checks and calibration. KEM has a large range of Refractive Index standard products to aid in this, and these are listed in the table below. Further down is a table of our Brix-converted refractive standards.
Refractometers and Brix Meters in routine checks and calibrations.
Refractive Index Standards | Refractive Index
(nD) at 20℃ *1 |
Expanded Uncertainty (k=2; nD)*2 |
Pure Water | 1.332** | 0.00001 |
Iso-Octane | 1.391** | 0.00004 |
Cyclohexane | 1.426** | 0.00004 |
Dichlorotoluene | 1.546** | 0.00004 |
1-Bromonaphthalene | 1.658** | 0.00004 |
*1 Calibration data at 25℃ can be listed by request
*2 Uncertainty of certified values is expanded uncertainty determined by combined standard uncertainty and coverage factor k=2, and shows a confidence interval estimated with a confidence level of approx. 95%.
Brix-converted Refractive Index Standards | nD/Brix% at 20℃ |
Expanded Uncertainty (k=2; nD) |
5% Brix Solution | 1.340**nD 5.** Brix% |
0.00002nD (Brix 0.01%) |
10% Brix Solution | 1.347**nD 10.** Brix% |
0.00002nD (Brix 0.01%) |
0.25% Brix Solution | 1.333**nD 0.25* Brix% |
0.00002nD (Brix 0.01%) |
0.5% Brix Solution | 1.333**nD 0.5** Brix% |
0.00002nD (Brix 0.01%) |
Parts No. | Description | Shelf Life*2 |
12-01610-01 | Set of 2 vials of 10mL Pure Water (JCSS Certif.) | 12 months |
12-01610-03 | Set of 2 vials of 10mL Pure Water | 12 months |
12-04077-01 | Set of 2 vials (1vial of 10mL Iso-Octane and 1vial of 10mL Pure Water (JCSS Certif.)*3 | 12 months |
12-04077-03 | Set of 2 vials (1vial of 10mL Iso-Octane and 1vial of 10mL Pure Water)*3 | 12 months |
12-04078-01 | Set of 2 vials (1vial of 10mL Cyclohexane and 1 vial of 10mL Pure Water) (JCSS Certif.)*3 | 12 months |
12-04078-03 | Set of 2 vials (1vial of 10mL Cyclohexane and 1 vial of 10mL Pure Water)*3 | 12 months |
12-04080-01 | Set of 2 vials (1vial of 10mL Dichlorotoluene and 1 vial of 10mL Pure Water) (JCSS Certif.) | 12 months |
12-04080-03 | Set of 2 vials (1vial of 10mL Dichlorotoluene and 1 vial of 10mL Pure Water) | 12 months |
12-04082-01 | Set of 2 vials (1vial of 10mL 1-Bromonaphthalene and 1 vial of 10mL Pure Water) (JCSS Certif.)*4 | 12 months |
12-04082-03 | Set of 2 vials (1vial of 10mL 1-Bromonaphthalene and 1 vial of 10mL Pure Water)*4 | 12 months |
12-04083-30 | Set of 2 vials of 10mL 5% Brix Solution | 30 days |
12-04083-31 | Set of 2 vials of 10mL 10% Brix Solution | 30 days |
12-04083-32 | Set of 2 vials of 10mL 0.25% Brix Solution | 30 days |
12-04083-33 | Set of 2 vials of 10mL 0.5% Brix Solution | 30 days |
*2 Shelf life is counted from the day of production.
*3 These items are categorized as hazardous items for the purpose of export. They require special packing and attract an higher transportation charge.
*4 1-Bromonaphthalene is out of the measurement range for RA-620.